GES in the BEPA governance
Ilaria Pucher, Head of R&D at GES, has been appointed as Advanced materials industry
representative by the third General Assembly of BEPA (Batteries European Partnership
Association) held on 7th December 2021.

GES strengthens its role within the European battery ecosystem, a significant
acknowledgement of the constant effort in the European battery platforms and of the
expertise gained in the sector through the years.
The Association Delegation is composed of 25 members, collaborating directly with the
BEPA Office and Executive Board, as well as with the EC delegates within the Partnership
The main tasks of the Association Delegation are related to the leading role in the
elaboration and update of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA),
including the writing process of topics’ description by Working Groups; to the R&I topics
prioritization and budget allocation recommendation for calls proposals based on the
inputs from Working Groups; to representing Industry and Research Members of the
Association in the Partnership Board.
GES wishes every success to Ilaria Pucher and all the members of the governance bodies.